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Driving Ed Online offers DMV approved Drivers Education, Graduated Driver Licensing and Driver Training courses which meet all the state DMV requirements for teens who want to get their learners permit & Driver's License through Virtual Driving Online. Topic Covers Safe driving behavior, Creating safe drivers on Road. How to drive defensively, traffic signals, rules and regulations, types of parking, traffic infraction points and fines. Vehicle speed limits, car repair, car Insurance Coverage, Car Maintenance, performance. ► Defensive Driving and traffic school courses help you to lower auto insurance rates, remove points from driver record, dismiss traffic ticket and to become a responsible driver. This course is 100% online and approved throughout your State. Complete the driving safety course and get rid of traffic tickets or lower your vehicle insurance premiums and keep your driver record clean.

2024 ★ Drivers Ed Course Test Questions and Answers 13

Getting stressed about traffic or parking:
A.) Can be punished with a fine
B.) Doesn't happen to many drivers
C.) Will make you navigate more carefully
D.) Won't make the situation better

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Won't make the situation better.

Eating while you drive:
A.) increases your risk of being involved in a collision
B.) is only risky with heavily packaged foods
C.) should only be done with food that can be handled easily

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increases your risk of being involved in a collision

In addition to manual distraction, smoking while driving can also cause __________ .
A.) complacency towards risks
B.) nausea
C.) restless movement
D.) visual distortions

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restless movement

When listening to music in your car, you should:
A.) Accept what you're listening to
B.) not listen and react
C.) share with other road users by icreasing the volume

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Accept what you're listening to

When you have to perform several tasks at once, you must be able to multitask __________ .
A.) chronologically
B.) concurrently
C.) reactively
D.) sequentially

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Your rule of thumb to multitask effectively should be to:
A.) Complete the most complicated tasks first
B.) Finish one task completely before beginning another
C.) Never give any task more time than needed
D.) Deal with problems when their in your immediate range

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Never give any task more time than needed

When it is necessary to look away from the road, you can limit your danger by
A.) taking quick glances
B.) taking a long gaze
C.) none of the above

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taking quick glances

Which driving environment is especially dangerous for a distracted driver?
A.) low risk environment
B.) moderate risk environment
C.) complex risk environment
D.) controlled risk environment

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Complex Risk Environment
EXPLANATION: traffic flow and volume can be heavy and unpredictable, your path of travel and line of sight are likely to be obstructed, right-of-way can be difficult to determine, and distractions are numerous

Of all of your senses that you use while driving, the most important one is your sense of
A.) hearing.
B.) sight.
C.) smell.
D.) taste.

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Listening to your stereo system while driving can be dangerous because:
A.) Drivers may try to adjust it frequently
B.) It can make driving more monotonous
C.) Music makes it harder to focus on the road
D.) Your senses may become fatigued

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Drivers may try to adjust it frequently

If you need to use your cell phone while driving, you should:
A.) Get off the road before placing or taking a call
B.) Limit the length of your call to less than a minute
C.) Only call numbers already programmed in your phone
D.) Use your phone only in urban and residential areas

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Get off the road before placing or taking a call

What is one unexpected problem associated with cell phone use?
A.) It decreases the efficacy of your peripheral vision.
B.) It distracts your hearing from events on the roadway.
C.) It causes you to misjudge distances.

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It decreases the efficacy of your peripheral vision.

Driver __________ is characterized as any activity that takes a driver's attention away from driving.
A.) Imagination
B.) Distraction
C.) Attraction
D.) Reaction

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Distracted drivers surround you on the road: ___________ of drivers talk on cell phones.
A.) 43%
B.) 15%
C.) 24%
D.) 31%

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Distractions while driving have the potential to cause or contribute to___.
A.) Better fuel economy
B.) A crash
C.) Low maintenance
D.) Engine failure

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A crash

The best way to manage a cell phone is to _______use it when the vehicle is not in motion.
A.) never
B.) seldom
C.) usually
D.) only

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______________ is a critically dangerous distraction because it takes your eyes off the road and your hands off the steering wheel.
A.) Loud music
B.) Deep thought
C.) Grooming
D.) A train whistle

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Four common types of distractions are ______.
A.) Food , drink , interesting topics and loud noises
B.) Teenagers, vehicle , construction, and stop lights
C.) Tech , personal , passenger , and emotional
D.) Food , tech , passenger, and emotional

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Tech , personal , passenger , and emotional

A great way to avoid tech distraction is to ______.
A.) set your GPS destination before you drive
B.) only check your texts at stop lights
C.) only check your texts at STOP signs
D.) use hands-free devices

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set your GPS destination before you drive

Tech distractions do NOT include _________.
A.) answering your phone while driving
B.) changing the radio station while driving
C.) fiddling with the air conditioning while driving
D.) setting your phone to Do Not Disturb before you drive

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setting your phone to Do Not Disturb before you drive

If you're feeling sleepy, but can't wait to get to the destination, you should ______.
A.) drive faster
B.) drink a lot of coffee, then drive
C.) turn up the music to stay awake
D.) take a nap or call a rideshare service or taxi

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take a nap or call a rideshare service or taxi

Setting your phone to do not disturb allows you to _____.
A.) drive faster
B.) focus completely on the road
C.) focus completely on conversation with passengers
D.) hear the radio more clearly

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focus completely on the road

2024 ★ Drivers Ed Course Test Questions and Answers 12

Reading or writing on a phone is especially dangerous while driving because:
A.) you'll be oblivious to the road
B.) others won't care about you
C.) your phone heats up fast

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you'll be oblivious to the road

Studies have suggested that texting or using a cell phone while driving is as dangerous as:
A.) Drinking coffee while driving
B.) Driving with a BAC of 0.08%
C.) Running a red light
D.) Speeding in rainy weather

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Driving with a BAC of 0.08%

One problem associated with performing personal care tasks while driving is:
A.) A passive attitude towards risks
B.) A tendency to drive aggressively
C.) Difficulty refocusing your vision
D.) Ignorance of how distracted you are

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Difficulty refocusing your vision

When multitasking, be sure to look away from the road for no more than __________ at a time.
A.) ten seconds
B.) two seconds
C.) one minute

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two seconds

If you're starting to feel fatigued while driving, you should not:
A.) Drive on a less crowded route
B.) Increase your following distance
C.) Lean forward over the steering wheel
D.) Open your windows

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Lean forward over the steering wheel

Which of the following is not a common response to feeling stressed on the road?
A.) Crippling indecision
B.) Enhanced reflexes
C.) Lethargic reactions
D.) Severe agitation

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Enhanced reflexes
EXPLANATION: Different people respond to stress in different ways, all of which can result in unsafe driving. Under stress, you may become: angry or agitated, causing you to speed, take unnecessary risks, weave between lanes, or antagonize others; withdrawn or depressed, causing you to space out, ignore the driving environment, and react lethargically to situations on the road; frozen with indecision, causing you to respond to hazards inadequately.

Which of the following is a problem associated with hands-free devices?
A.) They cause drivers to fixate on the car in front of them.
B.) They require extra attention due to poor reception.
C.) They use a number of small, hard-to-reach buttons.

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They require extra attention due to poor reception.

When the brain seems to be multitasking, in reality it is:
A.) overloaded and switching attention between tasks
B.) Conscious and performing only one task at a time
C.) not focusing on any task

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overloaded and switching attention between tasks

Which of the following is least to overload your brain while driving?
Which of the following is least likely to overload your brain while driving?
A.) adjusting the radio/stereo
B.) multitasking
C.) scanning the road
D.) using your GPS

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Which of the following is not a strategy for using a GPS device safely?
A.) Slow down when reprogramming it
B.) Maintaining the same speed when operating it
C.) None of the above

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Slow down when reprogramming it

If you need to reprogram your gps after you begin driving, _____.
If you need to reprogram your gpa after you begin driving blank
If you need to reprogramming your gps after you begin driving, _____.
A.) only use one hand and keep the other one other hand on the steering wheel
B.) use the text function of your gps after you turn off the music
C.) slow down to a safe speed like 15 mph
D.) pull over or ask a passenger to do it

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pull over or ask a passenger to do it

Which of the following is not a driver error category
A.) Recognition errors, which have to do with the driver's attentiveness to the road
B.) Decision errors, which have to do with the driver's evaluation of the driving situation
C.) Performance errors, like poor directional control and overcompensation
D.) Non-performance errors, like sleep or a heart attack
E.) Being a skilled and defensive driver

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Being a skilled and defensive driver

To avoid getting stressed on the road, you should:
A.) take a deep breath
B.) Listen to music with a fast beat.
C.) show yourself from what is making you angry

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take a deep breath

If you let your mind wander, you may:
A.) Be unable to retain control of the steering wheel
B.) Look around you without seeing a thing
C.) Misinterpret the intentions of other drivers

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Look around you without seeing a thing
EXPLANATION: If you let your mind wander, you may end up looking all around you without seeing a thing.

If another roadway user seems distracted, you should:
A.) Give him or her as much space as possible
B.) Honk your horn at them
C.) Make eye contact, Yell and argue back

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Give him or her as much space as possible

If a driver seems confused or distracted, you should:
A.) Honk your horn repeatedly
B.) Increase your following distance
C.) Pass his or her vehicle
D.) Tailgate for his or her safety

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Increase your following distance

When you're distracted:
A.) You will forget traffic laws
B.) You will perform maneuvers incorrectly
C.) Your heart rate will increase
D.) Your response time will be slowed

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Your response time will be slowed

Distracted drivers have _______________.
A.) problems staying in lane
B.) longer reaction time
C.) ability to maintain the vehicle within a lane

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problems staying in Lane

Which of the following is NOT a good way to avoid tech distractions behind the wheel?
A.) Drive and only drive when you are behind the wheel.
B.) Only text when you're at a stoplight.
C.) Put your phone on Do Not Disturb or Driving Mode.
D.) Put the phone in the glove compartment.

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Only text when you're at a stoplight.

Safe skills you can use regarding passengers include asking them ________.
A.) to hold your phone to your ear, so you can talk hands-free
B.) not to speak with you unless it's an emergency
C.) to buckle up and telling them you need to focus on driving
D.) not to roll diwn their windows without your permission

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not to speak with you unless it's an emergency

The purpose of driving safety program is to increase road safety awareness by reducing traffic violations and to keep your auto insurance premiums low. Handle Speeding ticket, stop sign citation, lawyer for fighting traffic tickets & other violations.

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Vehicle Accident Advice
• In the event of a vehicle accident, drivers are legally obliged to stop if their vehicles has caused injury or damage.
• You must ensure the scene is safe; switch off all engines, turn on hazard warning lights and alert oncoming traffic about the accident.
• Call the emergency services (911) if anyone is injured, the accident has caused a hazardous situation or anyone involved in the accident has left the scene without leaving their details.
• Exchange your name, phone number and insurance company details/information with the other driver and make a note of their car number.
• Get the details of any witnesses to the accident.
• It may also be useful to take pictures of the scene.
• Regardless of fault or if you're planning to make a damage claim, you should inform your insurance company of any accident you are involved in.